Valentine One Gen2 Radar Detector
The new 2nd generation Valentine One V1 radar detector provides full coverage against both radar and laser.
The Valentine One Gen2 detects speed traps in front, alongside and behind the vehicle. The V1 scans the entire area around your car. One radar antenna and laser receiver look ahead, while a second antenna and laser receiver monitor the rear of the car.
Advance warning has been further improved over the previous model thanks to the new and patented SAW D2L electronics. However, the improved detection rate of the Valentine One Gen2 also helps to detect more unwanted signals. The SAW D2L technology enables the V1 Gen2 to filter unwanted false alarms from traffic guidance systems, lane change and vehicle assistance systems more quickly, thereby avoiding false alarms.
New features in the Gen2 version compared to its predecessor:
* Patented SAW D2L increases the scan rate by a hundred times compared to its predecessor
* LNA technology increases advance warning and improves stealth
* Improved K-band filter blocks K-band false alarms from lane change and driver assistance systems in modern vehicles
* Built-in Bluetooth function to connect with smartphone (connection with vehicle hands-free system is NOT possible)
With the free app you can easily program the Valentine One Gen2 and install updates. The integrated Bluetooth function allows the Valentine radar detector to be quickly connected to smartphone and the app.
Scope of delivery:
* Valentine One Version Gen2 Radar Detector
* 1x windscreen mount (suction cups) and 1x sun visor mount
* 1x connection cable corded and 1x connection cable smooth including 12V plug for cigarette lighter
* 1x connection cable for direct connection to the on-board power supply
Note: The Valentine One has very good laser reception, but for safe laser protection we recommend the use of an active laser blocker e.g. Antilaser AL Priority or Lasertrack Flare.
Joshua L***** –
es funktionieren sehr gut
Nuri –
In den letzten Jahren mit dem Valentine V1 ganz gut gefahren, habe ich mich über den Nachfolger gefreut. Leider etwas gemischte Gefühle. Fehlalarme an Tankstellen und in der Stadt sind deutlich weniger geworden. Endlich auch die Möglichkeit ein Update selbst durchzuführen und wirkliche tolle App Anbindung. Leider ist der Laserempfang nicht mehr so gut wie bei seinem Vorgänger. Da hat der V1 zwar öfter Fehlalarme ausgelöst, meldete aber dafür auch immer 300-400 Meter vor der Radarfalle. Das ist mit der neuen Version leider etwas schlechter geworden.